Benvinguts al meu blog!!!
Si t'agrada envoltar-te de coses boniques, si la teva casa es el teu paradís particular, si necessites inspiració, si t'agrada un estil molt particular i original.... aquest es el teu blog!!!
Oh, how nice and wonderful is this post!!! I´m absolutely a fan of crocheting and crochet art. So fine a crochet in your first pictures. I´m crocheting myself sweet little creatures, and I always like to develop new crocheted art and work, you find some on my blog, so all crochet lover feel free to have a look. THX FOR SHARING, your post brighten my day and makes me smile. I love your blog so much and I read it since long in my blogroll. Lots of love and have a nice weekend, Amina
M'ha encantat tot el que ens has ensenyat! moltes gràcies i una abraçada!
ResponEliminaGracies tu, guapa!!!
EliminaOh, how nice and wonderful is this post!!! I´m absolutely a fan of crocheting and crochet art. So fine a crochet in your first pictures. I´m crocheting myself sweet little creatures, and I always like to develop new crocheted art and work, you find some on my blog, so all crochet lover feel free to have a look. THX FOR SHARING, your post brighten my day and makes me smile. I love your blog so much and I read it since long in my blogroll. Lots of love and have a nice weekend, Amina
ResponEliminaThank you very much for following me ... now I see your blog!
ResponEliminaA mi me has super-inspirado. Estoy deseando que sea domigo 10 para hacer tu curso!!!